Our All-Linux Show with Correspondent Marcel Gagné!

Both Hours:  Linux show. Marcel Gagné, Linux Expert.

Marcel Gagné is the author of several books including “Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye!”, now in its 2nd edition!  Other books include “Moving to Ubuntu Linux.” And his newest title is “Moving to Free Software.”  He was also a Linux Journal monthly columnist.  His column is titled, “Cooking with Linux.”  Please welcome author and columnist, and now Computer America Linux Correspondent… Marcel Gagné to the show.

Marcel’s Comments on Tonight’s Topics:


Marcel will be drinking an Italian red; a Montepulciano D’Abruzzo

It has been one month since Marcel dumped Kubuntu and installed Netrunner Ozymandias. We will check in and see what kind of month it has been.

In the game department, I’ll cover some hacking games, all of which have a decidedly Linux twist. Since Netrunner comes with Steam preinstalled, I decided to burn off a little steam, so I’m also going to be reviewing a multiplayer, sandbox, online game that runs on the Steam engine. 🙂  StarMade

I’ll be talking about LibreOffice Impress, which is sort of like PowerPoint and introducing my latest free eBook, about . . . wait for it . . . LibreOffice Impress.

Distribution spotlight

Chromixium : http://chromixium.org/
As the name suggests, it is a distribution meant to deliver the best of Ubuntu Linux and the Google Chrome desktop experience (which is Linux, but that’s beside the point).

Tails : https://tails.boum.org
Linux for the paranoid. Stands for The Amnesic Incognito Live System

Raspberry Pi projects

The ‘real’ Desktop Linux?

I haven’t done this before, but as of today, I am test driving a Chromebook. By Thursday night, I’ll talk about how this version of Linux (because, it is Linux under the hood) compares to a classic desktop Linux.


Email question, in relation to a video I made about setting up a Minecraft PE server on Linux (over at https://youtu.be/oM2mRB7C8Pc ) : “Hello Marcel my son and I can not connect to our server, I followed every step that you did and I need help.. Can you please help me?”

Random news bits

I may, or may not, cover any or all of these. 🙂

Security woes

The slow death of Sourceforge

Oracle is having trouble meeting its targets http://www.techrepublic.com/article/oracles-rising-open-source-problem/

Linus Torvalds wants a holiday


ADDITIONAL Links mentioned on tonight’s Show:












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