Both Segments: Mike Cermak, Owner/Operator
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Today’s Topics Include:
Disney Asks for 65% ticket sales and mandatory 4 Week run in it’s largest Theatres
Microsoft Hololens Certified As Safety Glasses (Further proof Microsoft is not focused on consumer for AR any time soon)
Amazon AR Shopping For Household Items, Might be useful?
Russia Outlaws VPN in Russia, discuss use of VPN and could something like this happen in the US?
Nvidia Creates fake celebrity photos, photo-realistic. Implications of being able to create real fake photos.
Microsoft Patents way to put 3.5mm jack in smaller phones, should the standard stay a standard?
CryptoShuffler Stole $150,000 by Replacing Bitcoin Wallet IDs in PC Clipboards
SpaceX lands the 13th Falcon 9 rocket of the year in flames
Microsoft director installs Chrome during demonstration… because Edge wasn’t working
Dell forgot to renew the domain name for their backup service