All Linux Show; Marcel Gagne, Cooking With Linux, Talking Linus Torvalds, Audacity, More!


Before we get started, you should really follow my YouTube channel, my personal Websites, and if you are curious, my Flipboard magazines where you can follow the things that catch my attention.

Subscribe to Marcel’s YouTube channel where you can view the latest editions of the Cooking With Linux show. 

You might also want to support Marcel’s video habits on Patreon. 

“Cooking With Linux” on Flipboard 

My own site is where I talk about whatever comes into my head, including Linux and Open Source software. If you just want the Linux and Open Source stuff, head over to .

Today’s Wine

Today’s wine is a white 2017 Pinot Grigio from Chile called, “Cono Sur Bicicleta”. You may have seen this one before because it’s a favorite that I keep coming back to. It’s a great little wine with lovely citrus overtones, mostly lemon, and a nice medium finish. It’s light and easy drinking. It’s also very reasonably priced, which is a bonus. Sort of like icing on the cake, or wine in the glass.

News. Rumors. Conspiracy Theories

The BIG news is that Linus Torvalds is stepping away from Linux Kernel Development to ‘learn empathy’. 

Following Linus’ announcement, it was shown that Linux development has now adopted a Code Of Conduct. 

This is rife with controversy. One person who took the time to comment on this was Richard Stallman, the founder of the Free Software Foundation and of the GNU Project. 

Topic(s) of the Day!

Something amazing has happened in the world of Linux gaming. Steam has made a new version available for beta users that make tons of previously Windows only games available to Linux users.

Distribution Focus

Today’s Linux distribution is a blast from the past, a long dead distribution reborn, like the proverbial Phoenix from the flames.

Cue the memory smoke . . . once upon a time, there was a Linux distribution called Lindows. The company behind that name built super cheap computers with Lindows (later, Linspire) pre-installed.

To download a copy of Freespire, visit yon friendly URL:

If you would like to try the very latest development release, try this one instead.

There’s a YouTube video that covers Freespire. 

Other Stuff

Let’s talk audio editing. As you might expect, there are plenty of tools available to Linux users for audio editing, as there are for video editing. Side note: all those fancy effects in Hollywood blockbusters are done using Linux systems. Back to audio where the defacto number one tool is something called Audacity.

Audacity is available in every Linux distribution out there and you can also get it for Windows and MacOS if you prefer. 

I continue to do my regular Tuesday “Cooking with Linux (without a net)” every Tuesday at 12 Noon eastern time.

Until next time . . . votre santéBon appétit!

— Marcel Gagné