Collegiate eSport Gender Divide, Cheerleader Deep Fakes, Tinder Background Checks

Both Segments: Computer and Technology News!


College esports scholarships go mainly to men, nearly 90% of funds

(9) Farming Simulator League World Championship 2020 Group Stage | Group B – YouTube

Woman allegedly made deepfakes to kick rivals off daughter’s cheerleading squad | Engadget

New AI tool detects Deepfakes by analyzing light reflections in the eyes

Elon Musk changes job title to “Technoking of Tesla” | Engadget

Facebook research reportedly finds small number of users responsible for spreading vaccine doubt – The Verge

Tinder will soon let you run a background check on a potential date through Garbo – The Verge

The climate controversy swirling around NFTs – The Verge

youtube greenhouse emissions – Google Search

Zoom Escaper lets you sabotage your own meetings with audio problems, crying babies, and more – The Verge

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