BOTH Hours: Josh Boykin. Editor-at-large, Gamer Correspondent.
It’s another Gamer Tuesday, and we’re well on our way to Q4, the big game release quarter! At E3 we learned about tons of new games on the way to get excited about, as well as one particularly big release we’ve already gotten to get our hands on. But, just to round things out with the whole Computer America crew, let’s also talk about Mad Max, the Inside Out mobile game, and LEGO The Avengers…that’s right, we’re talking movie tie-ins!
This week’s Gamer Tuesday topics: the state of gaming one month after E3, the world of Batman: Arkham Knight, and the growing connection between games and movies. Here is the link for Josh’s story on Nintendo’s Mr. Iwata and his recent passing and why it’s so important to gamers everywhere: