Spatialand Interview, Cockatoos Ravage Australia, Stacraft 2 Free

First Segment: Spatialand. David Lee, CSO and COO

Spatialand – an L.A. based VR platform and toolset aimed at helping creators easily design and update immersive content destinations, will be able to provide retailers with a new and innovative way of showing their product to businesses and consumers. Using Spatialand’s platform and presentation tools, retailers can easily display products and allow potential buyers to immerse themselves in what will be offered along with any data and statistics.

Second Segment: Computer and Technology News

Today’s Topics Include:

Starcraft 2 Is Going Free To Play

iFixIt Tears Down The iPhone X

Cockatoos Ravage Australia

Major Car Companies Partner For Europe Wide Charging Grid

Comcast Asks FCC To Stop Enforcing Net Neutrality

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