Cooking With Linux, Marcel Gagne, Talking Music Players, KDE Neon, Carlo Rossi


Before we get started, you should really follow my YouTube channel, my personal Websites, and if you are curious, my Flipboard magazines where you can follow the things that catch my attention.

Subscribe to Marcel’s YouTube channel where you can view the latest editions of the Cooking With Linux show. 

You might also want to support Marcel’s video habits on Patreon. 

“Cooking With Linux” on Flipboard 

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Today’s Wine

Today’s wine is one of my favorites, not because it’s a spectacular wine, but because it’s an inexpensive white that’s good any time. Remember that “jug of wine” you keep hearing about? This is it; a Carlo Rossi California white. It’s semi-sweet, light and crisp, with definite floral overtones. It’s also very inexpensive and as such. perfect for entertaining large groups. 

News. Rumors. Conspiracy Theories

Microsoft promises to defend  — not attack — Linux with its 60,000 patents. 

ChromeOS stable channel gets Linux apps 

When Linux founder Linus Torvalds leaves, Pandemonium Breaks Loose 

Topic(s) of the Day!

Let the music play on, play on, play on . . .

This could have gone up in the rumor section above, but I’ll put it here. I was reading that there were plans to resurrect WinAmp, the venerable audio player for Windows, at some near future time with support for Windows 10. As it turns out, there are many music players in Linux, so we’re going to cover a few here.

This one should look familiar. It’s called Promoe.

Also very similar is Qmmp, which also uses the XMMS2 backend if you want.

Then, we have audacious, another player I’m rather fond of.

And finally, let’s take a look at Elisa, the heir apparent to the greatest Linux multimedia player ever.

Distribution Focus

Today’s Linux distribution is interesting in that it looks and feels a lot like Kubuntu, the KDE Plasma centric version of Ubuntu.

It’s called “KDE Neon”, a KDE Plasma centric distribution built on a stable core (Ubuntu LTS) but making it possible to stay up to date with the latest and greatest from the Plasma team. 

You can also check out

Other Stuff

Let’s talk about stuff and things. Maybe.

I continue to do my regular Tuesday “Cooking with Linux (without a net)” every Tuesday at 12 Noon eastern time.

Until next time . . . votre santéBon appétit!

— Marcel Gagné