BlockSafe Technologies Interview, Netgear Wi-Fi 6, Samsung Fold-able Phone, Chinese Surveillance

First Segment: BlockSafe Technologies. George Waller, CEO.

BlockSafe Technologies™ is the only US-based company that secures the blockchain ecosystem from all angles: wallets, exchanges, and private blockchains. Using its expansive suite of cybersecurity solutions, BlockSafe Technologies™ introduces stability into an otherwise turbulent market by protecting the blockchain ecosystem at its most vulnerable points: user authentication and interaction. Similarly, BlockSafe Technologies™ has developed proprietary methods of defending permissioned blockchains via transaction authentication, policy enforcement, DDoS mitigation, load balancing, and content filtering.

Second Segment: Computer and Technology News.

Today’s Topics Include:

Netgear Launches First Wi-Fi 6 Routers

China Can Identify People By The Way They Walk

Samsung Unveils First Fold-able Phone

Pizza Delivery Truck

And more! For full show notes, check out!