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Best Shock Absorbers, Filtering Microplastics, Self Cleaning Paint w/ Ralph Bond

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Show Notes 7 June 2024


Story 1: This paint could clean both itself and the air. 

Source: Scientific American Story by Kate Graham-Shaw

Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/self-cleaning-paint-could-break-down-pollutants-on-surfaces-and-from-the-air/

See also: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscatal.3c06203

A white house with a bucket of smoke coming out of it

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  • The pollutants clogging our skies aren’t just a health risk; they also cause ugly stains on buildings and other structures. To combat this, chemists have been working for years on a special type of paint that can not only clean itself but may also remove pollutants from the air.
  • This technology uses titanium oxide nanoparticles that jump-start chemical reactions. [my insert – the author is explaining how these special paints to date have worked] When an artificial ultraviolet light source shines on the paint, the nanoparticles react with pollutants to make them break down—theoretically removing them from the nearby air and preventing a discoloring buildup. 
  • Companies already offer these so-called photocatalytic paints, but some chemists remain cautious about the products’ effectiveness and sustainability. 
  • For a recent study in American Chemical Society Catalysis, [a multi-national European team of] researchers developed a new photocatalytic paint that they claim works using UV rays from ordinary sunlight [eliminating the need for an artificial ultraviolet light source].  This makes the paint’s self-cleaning properties easier to activate. They’ve also shown that they can effectively produce this paint from recycled materials.
  • In [traditional] photocatalysis, UV light excites the electrons in the titanium oxide nanoparticles, which interact with airborne water molecules to produce highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. These unstable chemicals attack pollutants that come in contact with the paint, converting them into less harmful substances such as carbon dioxide and water. 
  • Here’s how the team made it possible for sunlight to kick off the reaction – The research team added phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, and other elements to the nanoparticles’ structure, which reduced the amount of energy needed to spark the reaction and let it work via ordinary sunlight. 
  • In lab tests, these modified nanoparticles removed up to 96 percent of tested pollutants added to the paint’s surface.

Story 2: Two teens won $50,000 for inventing a device that can filter toxic microplastics from water.

Source: Business Insider Story by Ellyn Lapointe and Morgan McFall-Johnsen

Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/teens-win-fifty-thousand-for-ultrasound-microplastic-filtration-device-2024-5

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  • Two teenagers from Woodlands, Texas invented a device that could help address one of the most pervasive and challenging forms of pollution on Earth: microplastics.
  • These microscopic plastic particles show up in the deepest parts of the ocean, at the top of Mount Everest, and are in everything from the dust in your home to your food and water.
  • By some estimates, we each inhale and ingest a credit card’s worth of plastic per week. Then it can end up in our lungs, blood, breastmilk, and testicles.
  • Victoria Ou and Justin Huang, both 17, hope to prevent that one day with their award-winning device that removes microplastics from water using ultrasonic — or high-frequency — sound waves. Their device is the first to use this method successfully.
  • Though the ultrasonic technique is in its very early stages, the high schoolers hope that one day it could filter the plastic out of your drinking water and from the industrial and wastewater that humans dump into the environment.
  • Here’s a lot of background, thanks to a Co-Pilot AI search, about removing microplastics from water:

Ultrasound waves offer a promising method for removing microplastics from water. Let’s explore how this innovative technique works:

  1. The Science Behind It:
    • Ultrasound waves operate at frequencies beyond what humans can hear.
    • Researchers direct contaminated water through a tube.
    • Throughout the liquid, tiny bits of plastic (microplastics) are dispersed.
    • A transducer, which converts electrical energy into sound energy, is placed in the tube.
    • The transducer emits ultrasound waves that travel from one side of the tube to the other, creating an echo effect within the liquid.
  2. Interaction with Microplastics:
    • When these ultrasound waves encounter microplastics, they exert a force on the particles.
    • The behavior of microplastics depends on their size:
      • Smaller microplastics (less than about 180 micrometers or 7 thousandths of an inch) move toward the center of the flow.
      • Larger particles, close to the ultrasound’s wavelength, interact with each other and create an additional force. As a result, these larger particles are pushed toward the edges of the flowing water stream.
  3. Separation and Filtration:
    • The force produced by the waves effectively separates microplastics from the water.
    • As the tube splits into three channels, the microplastic particles are pressed toward the center, while clean water flows toward the two outer channels.
    • This process allows for efficient removal of microplastics.
  4. Benefits and Applications:
    • Ultrasound-based microplastic removal has several advantages:
      • Safer Drinking Water: By eliminating microplastics, it contributes to cleaner and safer drinking water.
      • Wildlife Protection: Reduced chances of wildlife ingesting plastic bits.
      • Environmental Impact: Addressing plastic pollution in rivers, oceans, and other water bodies.
  5. Ongoing Research:

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 5/29/2024

  1. Ultrasound waves can help remove polluting microplastics in water. https://www.snexplores.org/article/microplastic-pollution-removal-water-ultrasound-waves
  2. Filtering Microplastics Trash from Water with Acoustic Waves. https://acoustics.org/filtering-microplastics-trash-from-water-with-acoustic-waves/
  3. Removing Microplastics from Water with Ultrasounds. https://www.imnovation-hub.com/science-and-technology/removing-microplastics-water/
  4. Pulsing ultrasound waves could someday remove microplastics from waterways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBCNi75ZWKE
  5. How to Remove Microplastics From Water. https://waterfilterguru.com/how-to-remove-microplastics-from-water/
  6. Top 4 Ways to Remove Microplastics from the Body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_DE5GOlTbU

Story 3: This autonomous robot has invented the world’s best shock absorber.

Source: Wonderful Engineering Story by Shaheer Shahzad

Link: https://wonderfulengineering.com/this-autonomous-robot-has-invented-the-worlds-best-shock-absorber/

See video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMSg8Fq0vws

A close-up of a robot

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  • MAMA BEAR, an AI robot from Boston University’s KABlab, has shattered the record for the most impact-resistant design. For three years, this tireless automaton has been locked in a relentless cycle of creation, destruction, and analysis, all in pursuit of the ultimate energy-absorbing shock absorber.
  • Imagine this: MAMA BEAR (which stands for Mechanics of Additively Manufactured Architectures Bayesian Experimental Autonomous Researcher, a mouthful even for a robot) meticulously 3D prints tiny structures. 
  • Side note – The term Bayesian refers to statistical methods that involve assigning probabilities or distributions to events (such as rain tomorrow) or parameters (such as a population mean) based on prior experience or best guesses before experimentation and data collection. These methods then apply Bayes’ theorem to revise the probabilities and distributions after obtaining experimental data1. In essence, Bayesians use a combination of prior knowledge and observed data to make informed statistical inferences.
  • Then, with a cold, metallic efficiency, it deposits them into a hydraulic press. But this isn’t some sadistic robot torture chamber. Each squished creation is a data point, its valiant (and ultimately flattened) form meticulously measured by MAMA BEAR. 
  • The robot then analyzes the design’s flaws and improvements, tweaks the blueprint with its ever-growing knowledge base, and diligently gets back to printing. This relentless cycle has repeated over 250,000 times – that’s three years straight of tireless experimentation!
  • And the results? MAMA BEAR’s dedication has paid off in a big way. It achieved a record-breaking 75% energy absorption efficiency…. 
  • The champion design itself is a marvel of biomimetic engineering, resembling a twisted, alien flower. It’s a testament to MAMA BEAR’s ability to explore design spaces beyond human imagination, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
  • Side note: Biomimetic engineering, also known as biomimicry, involves emulating models, systems, and elements from nature to solve complex human problems. The term is derived from Ancient Greek: βίος (bios), meaning life, and μίμησις (mīmēsis), meaning imitation. In essence, biomimetic engineering draws inspiration from the natural world to create innovative designs and solutions.
  • With an estimated trillion potential designs to explore, MAMA BEAR has barely scratched the surface. Researchers at KABlab are constantly feeding the robot new materials like nylon and thermoplastic polyurethane, further expanding its design repertoire.

Story 4: Wearable ultrasound patch enables continuous, non-invasive monitoring of cerebral blood flow.

Source: ScienceDaily News from University of California, San Diego

Link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240522225226.htm

See also: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/wearable-ultrasound-patch-enables-continuous-non-invasive-monitoring-of-cerebral-blood-flow/ar-BB1mS3ZI?ocid=BingNewsSerp

A coin and a piece of paper

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  • Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a wearable ultrasound patch that can offer continuous, non-invasive monitoring of blood flow in the brain. The soft and stretchy patch can be comfortably worn on the temple to provide three-dimensional data on cerebral blood flow — a first in wearable technology.
  • A team of researchers at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, published their new technology on May 22 in the publication Nature.
  • The wearable ultrasound patch marks a significant leap from the current clinical standard, called transcranial Doppler ultrasound. This method requires a trained technician to hold an ultrasound probe against a patient’s head. The process has its downsides, however. It is operator-dependent, so the accuracy of the measurement can vary based on the operator’s skill. It is also impractical for long-term use.
  • The UC San Diego team developed a device that overcomes these hurdles. Their wearable ultrasound patch offers a hands-free, consistent, and comfortable solution that can be worn continuously during a patient’s hospital stay.
  • A co-author of the study noted, “Typically, cerebral blood flow is monitored at specific times each day, and those measurements do not necessarily reflect what may happen during the rest of the day. There can be undetected fluctuations between measurements. If a patient is about to experience an onset of stroke in the middle of the night, this device could offer information that is crucial for timely intervention.”
  • The patch, roughly the size of a postage stamp, is constructed from a silicone elastomer embedded with several layers of stretchy electronics. 
  • One layer consists of an array of small piezoelectric transducers, which produce ultrasound waves when electrically stimulated and receive ultrasound waves reflected from the brain. 
  • Another key component is a copper mesh layer — made of spring-shaped wires — that enhances signal quality by minimizing interference from the wearer’s body and environment. The rest of the layers consist of stretchable electrodes.
  • During use, the patch is connected through cables to a power source and computer. To achieve 3D monitoring, the researchers integrated ultrafast ultrasound imaging into the system. 
  • Unlike standard ultrasound, which captures about 30 images per second, ultrafast imaging captures thousands of images per second. This high frame rate is necessary for collecting robust data from the piezoelectric transducers in the patch, which would otherwise suffer from low signal intensity due to the strong reflection of the skull.

Honorable Mentions:

Story: Tech giant you’ve probably never heard of wants to put a data center in a shoebox build using 1000 3D superconducting chips — at 20 exaflops, it would be 20x faster than the most powerful supercomputer on Earth

Source: TechRadar Pro Story by Wayne Williams

Link: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/tech-giant-youve-probably-never-185437937.html

To counter the strain on global energy resources due to accelerating computational demands – yes, AI, we’re looking at you – research institute imec is suggesting a radical shift away from traditional computing methods.

Its solution, detailed in IEEE Spectrum engineering magazine, involves exploiting the fundamental properties of superconductors to greatly reduce energy consumption, thereby creating an innovative, superconducting processor.

This promising technology has been in development for a couple of years so far and uses standard CMOS fabrication techniques which can potentially offer computing power that is a hundred times more energy-efficient than today’s best chips, and which could “lead to a computer that fits a data-center’s worth of computing resources into a system the size of a shoebox.”


Story: Airbus takes superconductivity research for hydrogen-powered aircraft a step further

Source: Airbus website

Link: https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-05-airbus-takes-superconductivity-research-for-hydrogen-powered

A close-up of a machine

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  • Paris, 23 May 2024 – Airbus UpNext, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus, has launched a new technological demonstrator to accelerate the maturation of superconducting technologies for use in electric propulsion systems of a future hydrogen-powered aircraft.
  • Known as Cryoprop, the new demonstrator will integrate and mature a two megawatt-class superconducting electric propulsion system cooled by liquid hydrogen via a helium recirculation loop and developed by Airbus teams in Toulouse, France, and Ottobrunn, Germany.
  • “Our previous demonstrators have shown that superconducting technologies would be a key enabler for the high-power electrification of future hydrogen-powered aircraft. I truly believe that the new demonstrator will lead to performance improvements of the propulsion system, translating into significant weight and fuel saving potential” said Michael Augello, CEO Airbus UpNext.


Story: Scientists create earthquake-proof resin that seals rocks, heals cracks.

Source: InterestingEngineering.com Story by Ama Tripathi

Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/scientists-create-earthquake-proof-resin-that-seals-rocks-heals-cracks/ar-BB1mQBSz?ocid=BingNewsSerp

A close-up of a fossil

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  • Researchers from Nagoya University have developed a revolutionary resin-based material that has demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in sealing cracks in rocks, even in the face of seismic activity.
  • This groundbreaking innovation, inspired by the natural fossilization process, holds the potential to transform various industries, from nuclear waste management to infrastructure maintenance.


Story: New robotic palm uses sophisticated tactile sensors to mimic human touch

Source: TechXplore.com Story by Rachel Gordon

Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/new-robotic-palm-uses-sophisticated-tactile-sensors-to-mimic-human-touch/ar-BB1mJRoH

A person holding a black object

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  • If you have kept up with the protean field, gripping and grasping more like humans has been an ongoing Herculean effort. Now, a new robotic hand design developed in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) has rethought the oft-overlooked palm. The new design, described in a paper published on the arXiv preprint server, uses advanced sensors for a highly sensitive touch, helping the “extremity” handle objects with more detailed and delicate precision.
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