Hijack Digital Assistants, T-Mobile/Sprint Merger, Four-Day Work Week

Drone CVS


Hackers can hijack smart speakers with a $14 laser – Business Insider

ISPs lied to Congress to spread confusion about encrypted DNS, Mozilla says | Ars Technica

Segway’s first electric dirt bikes arrive in early 2020 | Engadget

FCC formally approves the T-Mobile-Sprint merger | Engadget

Microsoft Japan’s four-day working week trial led to productivity improvements – The Verge

T-Mobile says it owns exclusive rights to the color magenta | AdAge

CVS starts delivering prescriptions to homes via UPS drones | Engadget

Disney+ is boosting its library by running a Starz ad (update) | Engadget
For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!