Category: Articles
Most activities compatible with the internet were initially drawn in by the convenience and speed by which the online community could be engaged, and end up re-invented by the self-same community – the finance industry is no exception. A great example is the “Flash Crash of 2010”, where the Dow Jones market plunged a thousand…
In the modern era, citizens of many countries enjoy a fundamental right known as the “secrecy of correspondence”, which guarantees that communication between two individuals is kept private with a few notable exceptions. First, the government affording the right may revoke it if probable cause exists, and issue a warrant allowing law enforcement to intercept…
Privacy in the modern era seems elusive. The media has been a-buzz lately with revelations about how organizations are writing their own rules. Google’s hand was forced by an impending class action lawsuit to announce that users of the popular Gmail service (and perhaps by extension all of Google’s services) had no “reasonable expectation of…
You may be sitting in your home, in a big cushy recliner, holding a glass of red wine, and staring intently at your normal printer. Quietly swirling your drink, the only light illuminating this piece of technology that may not make it through the year with the predominance of electronic documents. Well, I can’t help…
At the University of Southern California, chemists Richard L. Brutchey and David H. Webber have invented the next incarnation of solar power technology. By creating a liquid suspension of cadmium selenide, a semiconductor, the researchers have found a way to paint a thin layer of light absorbing molecules onto existing surfaces. The crystals are cheaper…
Recently reported in The Guardian, a Norwegian man named Anders Behring Breivik admits to killing seventy-seven people in an act of “political violence.” He claims that he trained for the attack on a video game. The game in question, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for both computers and consoles, has been critically acclaimed for…
When your laptop first comes out of it’s box, it is a newborn baby. It doesn’t know any of the programs it is destined to run on a daily basis yet. First you teach it to crawl with endless updates. Then you start small, the essentials only like an office suite, anti-virus program, and maybe…
Let me ask a rhetorical question: If I tell a joke that no one on the planet understands except myself, am I guilty of a crime? Of course not, and similarly, comedians are not compelled by law to be funny. If someone tells a joke that you do not appreciate, you can leave the performance.…
The dome and the arch have been valued for millennia due to their durability and strength; Roman aqueducts and bridges using the arch survive to this day, places of worship belonging to several faiths often top their glorious structures with massive domes, and even the little igloo is known to maximize living space while minimizing…